Join the movement to bring true freedom to
North Korean People
Caleb Mission has helped rescue 1,032 North Korean defectors for the past 24 years in the name of Jesus.
Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. - Matthew, 5:16
Caleb Mission is an international non-profit organization that is headquartered in Cheonan, South Korea, and the United States.
The organization and its founder and president, Pastor Seungeun Kim, were featured in the 2023 Oscar-shortlisted documentary Beyond Utopia. The groundbreaking film showcases the lives of North Korean people in a country where the gospel is prohibited and portrays Pastor Kim and other Christians rescuing them while following Jesus' teachings. The suffering of North Korean people is unique, and most people cannot imagine it just by hearing about it. God has prepared and used this documentary to help people understand their suffering in just two hours.

Caleb Mission has helped rescue over 1,000 North Korean escapees and shared the gospel with them. We also put efforts into spreading the gospel to people living in North Korea, which is the most unreachable.
Caleb Mission operates the Southeast Center to preach the gospel once North Korean escapees arrive in a safe country. The Southeast Center plays a crucial role in our mission to disciple North Korean people for Jesus before they embark on their new journey.
After the North Korean people arrive in South Korea, we invite them to Caleb Mission's North Korean community center, where we maintain fellowship with them and raise them as missionaries for the North Korean mission.
Caleb Mission also aims to enhance the human rights of North Koreans by documenting abuses and advocating for their rights internationally.
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves or for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
- Proverbs, 31:8-9
We invite you to join 16,542 churches in praying for our suffering brothers and sisters in North Korea.

The North Korean regime is not simply a dictatorial communist country but rather a pseudo-religious country that deifies the leaders and requires all citizens to worship these leaders as idols.
The North Korean regime blocks external information and the Internet to maintain its power. Through one newspaper, one radio, and one TV representing the party, they brainwash their people and make them slaves of the regime.
The people are not guaranteed their basic rights to food, clothing, and shelter, and they are not even allowed freedom of speech, or freedom of thought.
Jesus said, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
However, the North Korean regime completely bans Christianity to suppress the truth. Those who possess Bibles or spread the gospel of Jesus Christ are subject to severe punishment, including public execution or entire families will be sent to political prison camps.
Even though they risk their lives crossing the border to reach China in search of food, China is not a land of freedom for them. The Chinese government does not recognize North Korean escapees as refugees and pursues a policy of repatriation.
For North Korean escapees, repatriation is worse than death. Therefore, they are abducted by human traffickers who exploit their vulnerabilities and are traded as commodities for prostitution, forced marriage, and organ trafficking, subjecting them to harsh living conditions.
A Modern Day Exodus

Pastor Seungeun Kim is the founder and president of Caleb Mission.
As an internationally recognized human rights advocate, Pastor Kim has built and overseen the operations for the modern-day “underground railroad” that has helped rescue over 1,000 North Korean defectors since 2000.
Pastor Kim passionately serves North Korean defectors by rescuing them and supporting them in their journey to becoming self-sufficient.
Pastor Kim has also advocated for North Korean defectors by publicly supporting improvements in international and South Korean laws. He also advocates for homeless North Korean orphan defectors.
Pastor Kim’s faith and commitment to social justice for North Korean defectors continue to inspire people worldwide.
For the past 24 years,
Caleb Mission has been aiding in rescuing over a thousand
North Korean defectors through
land, sea, and air.

Rescue Mission for North Korean Escapees
Caleb Mission's main focus is to preach the gospel to the most unreached people, specifically North Koreans. We aims to support North Korean escapees in achieving self-sufficiency when resettling in South Korea and the United States. Caleb Mission has recorded videos highlighting the living conditions in North Korea, raising international awareness of the regime's human rights violations.

Gospel Ministry

Information Sharing
In and Out of North Korea

International Advocacy for North Korean Human Rights

Praying for Unification through the Gospel

Political Pressure upon
DPRK and Chinese regimes

Support North Korean escapees' self-reliance
Churches, organizations, and schools
that pray for the true freedom of the North Korean people with us.