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Caleb Mission Newsletter The First Week of May


Hallelujah! We pray that the God of peace be with you all.


Thanks to your prayers, our journey in the US is going well. I will discuss Christianity's role with students at Cornell University through Beyond Utopia in upstate New York.


This week, we will hold a prayer meeting at Saehan Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia, on Sunday at 7 PM. We invite anyone interested in missionary work in North Korea to join us

Through God's grace and the help of Christians, I've had many blessings in the US. Please pray with Caleb Mission to unite North and South Korea through the gospel.


North Korean sisters recently rescued are now doing bible study sincerely at Caleb Mission's Southeast Asia Center. Please show your support and pray for the upcoming mission to rescue defectors in China.


We are blessed to witness many individuals devoted to prayer coming together in the US. Please join us in rescuing North Korean defectors and spreading the gospel. Support the church in Cheonan in its efforts to produce gospel mission leaders.


I'll be back with you next week with a newsletter. Thank you.


❤️Please support the North Korean defectors 🙏🏻


🙏🏻❤️Please pray with us for North Korea ❤️🙏🏻

1. Heavenly Father. We pray that North and South Korea will be unified through the gospel and that Caleb Mission will be used for this work.


2. Lord, please protect the North Korean defectors in China who are waiting for rescue and that they will be rescued safely, and please bless the North Korean defectors at the Southeast Asia Center.


3. God, please bless all those who pray for and support Caleb Mission and its ministers, and give them the blessing of spiritual unity in the Lord.

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